1What is HEFAMAA?
HEFAMAA means Health Facility Monitoring and Accreditation Agency saddled with the responsibility of accrediting Health care facilities and other relevant Institution. HEFAMAA was set up by Health Sector Reform Law (HSRL 2006) to ensure improvement in the quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery in Lagos State, thereby securing the safety of lives of its citizenry.
- It also sets minimum standards for operation of health facilities.
- Accredit, inspect, monitor and license all health facilities in the State
- Suspend, evoke or cancel any Certificate of registration.
- Enforce compliance for the improvement of health services to patients.
2How do I get my hospital registered?
The first step by any prospective hospital owner to get the facility registered is to draft an Application letter to the Honourable Commissioner, stating the location of the practice and scope of service. A visit to the agency two weeks from the date of submission of the letter is mandatory.
3Can I renew the HEFAMAA registration of my hospital at anytime of the year?
No, HEFAMAA registration must be renewed annually between January 1st and March 31st irrespective of the date of registration or renewal within the previous year. For instance, if a facility is registered on December 31st 2015, the registration is only valid for 2015. A renewal must be done in 2016, between January 1 and March 31.
4Can a non-medical professional own a health care facility?
YES, as long as the operating officer who must be a qualified medical practitioner with updated licenses is ready to sign a bond with HEFAMAA and will be responsible for operating the health facility.
5How many times should I expect the HEFAMAA monitoring team visit my hospital before final registration?
HEFAMAA before final registration will be once for inspection excluding any challenge during inspection, however, upon full registration, HEFAMAA or any of its accredited organization will visit your facility twice a year for monitoring and evaluation visits.
6What are the penalties for non-registration with HEFAMAA as a functioning hospital within the state?
Failure of any of the below institution operating within the borders of Lagos State to register with Health Facility Monitoring and Accreditation Agency will attract a fine payment of ₦100,000 when discovered.
7What is accreditation?
Accreditation is a formal process by which a recognized body, usually a non-governmental organization (NGO), assesses and recognizes that a health care organization meets applicable pre-determined and published standards. Accreditation standards are usually regarded as optimal and achievable, and are de- signed to encourage continuous improvement efforts within accredited organizations. Paul R. van Ostenberg, D.D.S., M.S. (April 2009)
8When does the HEFAMAA registration for my healthcare facility elapse?
Providers should note that all registration within a year ends December 31st of the same year. New registration will be required January the following year.
9If I have two differently located hospitals – one main and another annex – with same name will a single registration cover for the two?
No, both facilities must be registered as different entities even though they can bear the same name. The three differentiating criteria for the hospitals will be the name of the operating officers, the location (address) and the HEFAMAA registration number even if owned by the same individual(s) or corporate entity.
10What is the difference between a private clinic and a private hospital?
Private clinic is a premise where medical care is given on out-patient basis and observation purposes before referral or transfer to a hospital for further management while a private hospital is a premise where out-patient, in-patient and full scale emergency medical and surgical are available.

1How do I verify the credentials of the personnel I am employing to ensure they are qualified?
HEFAMAA expects facility owners to verify the certificates and licenses of all health professionals. A letter should be written to the professional bodies of the medical personnel. An evidence of response from the professional body must be presented to HEFAMAA. For a medical doctor a verification process on the portal of Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (www.mdcn.gov.ng ) should be done. For Nurses and Midwives, verification can also be done on the portal of the National Council for Nurses and Midwifery. (http://www.nmcn.gov.ng/verify.html).
2What are the minimum requirements in terms of equipment and staff that I should have in my hospital?
As a health establishment, this depends on the scope of your service, kindly refer to the HEFAMAA handbook which is available on this website.
3What is the minimum number of years of experience (post basic qualification) that the operating officer of a hospital must have?
An operating officer must have a minimum of five years post graduation experience with regular license renewal.
4Can a non-medical professional own a health care facility?
YES, as long as the operating officer who must be a qualified medical practitioner with updated licenses is ready to sign a bond with HEFAMAA and will be responsible for operating the health facility.

1How do I get my hospital registered?
The first step by any prospective hospital owner to get the facility registered is to draft an Application letter to the Honourable Commissioner, stating the location of the practice and scope of service. A visit to the agency two weeks from the date of submission of the letter is mandatory
2Must I use a purpose built building for my hospital or a rented/leased/ purchased apartment not initially planned and registered with town planning and urban development as a health facility?
HEFAMAA’s preference is to have a purpose built building for the health facility. However, when this is not achievable, there should be adequate consideration for the safety of patients, staff and other residents of the host community. Every establishment must adhere to strong infection control and waste management standards.
3What are the minimum requirements in terms of equipment and staff that I should have in my hospital?
As a health establishment, this depends on the scope of your service, kindly refer to the HEFAMAA handbook which is available on this website.
4Can I renew the HEFAMAA registration of my hospital at anytime of the year?
No, HEFAMAA registration must be renewed annually between January 1st and March 31st irrespective of the date of registration or renewal within the previous year. For instance, if a facility is registered on December 31st 2015, the registration is only valid for 2015. A renewal must be done in 2016, between January 1 and March 31.
5Can a non-medical professional own a health care facility?
YES, as long as the operating officer who must be a qualified medical practitioner with updated licenses is ready to sign a bond with HEFAMAA and will be responsible for operating the health facility.
6What are the penalties for non-registration with HEFAMAA as a functioning hospital within the state?
Failure of any of the below institution operating within the borders of Lagos State to register with Health Facility Monitoring and Accreditation Agency will attract a fine payment of ₦ 100,000 when discovered.
7When does the HEFAMAA registration for my healthcare facility elapse?
Providers should note that all registration within a year ends December 31st of the same year. New registration will be required January the following year.
8If I have two differently located hospitals – one main and another annex – with same name will a single registration cover for the two?
No, both facilities must be registered as different entities even though they can bear the same name. The three differentiating criteria for the hospitals will be the name of the operating officers, the location (address) and the HEFAMAA registration number even if owned by the same individual(s) or corporate entity.
9What is the difference between a private clinic and a private hospital?
Private clinic is a premise where medical care is given on out-patient basis and observation purposes before referral or transfer to a hospital for further management while a private hospital is a premise where out-patient, in-patient and full scale emergency medical and surgical are available.